Monday, March 21, 2011

My take on a Bow Holder!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Bow Holder Farmgirl Style
So bows are a necessity for all little girls and there are a few styles I've seen but non quite whimsical and farmgirl-ish for me and my gal! So this is a LeshaLu Original feel free to make one if you like they are too hard to resist! I stopped by the local thrift store on my lunch break and found two frames they are 11x13 (size doesn't really matter just whatever fits your needs) and what a bargain they were only a buck! However they where a *beautiful* gold but once again not our style! So my mind started turning and here's how it went....

What you'll need:
Frame any size preferably wooden
Staple Gun
CHICKEN WIRE(farmgirl must have and we always have plenty)
Spray Paint
Sand Paper
Wire Snips

Below is a picture before their beautiful transformation
What you need to do:
1.) remove the backing from the frame and any staples that may be left(they hurt to find them)
2.) spray paint or hand paint the frame

3.) While you let it dry Feed you chicken with your favorite farmgirl!
4.) Once your frame is dry lightly sand the edges and random areas around the frame just to make it look like it's been around for a while (you can add other watered down colors as well for a more rustic and distressed look) but that's not the look i was going for So's room.

5.) Turn the frame over and cut your chicken wire with the wire snips to fit the opening and staple to secure in place ----and that's it how easy!

This turns out so cute you'll be making them for every bow lover you know!
FYI- Crafty sister & I made all the bows during one of our many craft-overs!
If you happen to make one email me a picture and I'll post it on the blog!
Many Blessings,

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